Conheça os 10 termos, em inglês, fundamentais para investidores

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O perfil do estudante do Instituto Mindset é de um profissional comprometido com a sua carreira e a sua saúde financeira. Muitos vêm do mercado financeiro e lidam frequentemente com investidores internacionais. E ainda que não trabalhem diretamente com investimentos e aplicações, são pessoas que têm investimentos pessoais e se interessam pelo tema.


Por isso, preparamos uma lista de vocabulário que pode ajudar a explicar, em inglês, o que são alguns dos termos mais comuns da área de Finanças, alguns diretamente relacionados ao Brasil. Vamos lá!


TAXA SELIC – Selic rate – Basic interest tax defined by the Brazilian government and used by private and public banks as the reference for their own interest rates. The lower the Selic rate, the lower banking interest rates in the county will be.


IOF – Financial transaction tax – This federal tax is applied onto all financial transactions taking place in Brazil. Operations charged with the IOF include credit, exchange, insurance and securities transactions executed through financial institutions, intercompany loans, and gold transactions.


TÍTULOS DO TESOURO NACIONAL – National Treasury bonds – These are bonds issued by the Brazilian National Treasury which are related to the management of the country’s public debt. Investors can acquire these bonds through financial institutions at various rates and conditions.


CÉDITO CONSIGNADO – Payment-deducted loans – This is a type of credit acquired mostly by Brazilian pension holders where payment is carried out by salary deduction directly in the client’s bank account.


RENDA FIXA – fixed income – Type of investment commonly known for its secure and steady yields. It is typically acquired at banking institutions and offers various conditions for withdrawal, although it is usually considered to be a long-term investment.


POUPANÇA – savings account – Also a long-term investment which is acquired at banking institutions, it is also commonly used by Brazilians like a current account. Banks will often issue debit cards for clients who wish to use their savings accounts more often for daily purchases.


BOVESPA –  Brazil Stock Market – The Bovespa is where Brazilian open-capital companies sell their shares. Although normally considered to be a riskier investment, the stock market reached an all-time high in 2018.


DEBÊNTURES – debentures – Debentures are a type of fixed income investment which is made by acquiring debt bonds issued by private companies, similarly to what happens with the National Treasury bonds.


FUNDO MULTIMERCADO – Multimarket funds – Considered an investment of middle-level risk, multimarket funds have the freedom to operate different types of investment, such as fixed income, stocks, currencies, derivatives and investment overseas. This type of fund is a trend in Brazil at the moment as it allows for high returns even through periods of market volatility.


FUNDO DE PREVIDÊNCIA PRIVADA – Private social security funds – A type of investment which offers some benefits in terms of taxes as it allows people to save their own money for retirement. However, it is known for its high costs in fees should the client decide to withdraw money from the fund earlier than a period of time which could extend for several years.

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